Acoustic Mobile Push InApp Plugin


  • Acoustic Mobile Push Plugin (react-native-acoustic-mobile-push)


This plugin is used to add InApp functionality to your application. The messages are created on the server and passed to the device over a periodic sync process. These messasges are displayed over the application content, typically as promotional messages. The messages are displayed vai templates that define how they should look and if they should cover the entire screen or only part of the screen. These templates are designed to be customized for your application and you can create addtional InApp templates to provide for additional use cases.


npm install --save <sdk folder>/plugins/react-native-acoustic-mobile-push-inapp

Post Installation Steps

Link the plugin with

react-native link react-native-acoustic-mobile-push-inapp

Template files in this plugins javascript directory will need to be integrated into your application and the templates will need to be imported so they can register with the SDK at startup like this:

import {InAppBanner} from './in-app/in-app-banner';
import {inAppMedia} from './in-app/in-app-media';

You should also add appropriate places in the app that display messages. See executeInApp for details.

Module API



This function hides the currently displayed InApp message.


import {RNAcousticMobilePushInapp} from 'NativeModules';


createInApp(content, template, rules, maxViews, attribution, mailingId)


This function can be used to add a new InApp message to the system. Note: this is typically only done in a testing context. The content of the message is specified as a generic Javascript object and is entirely customizable by the template. The rules is an array of keywords that define when to display the message. The maxViews parameter defines how many times the message should be shown to the user. Note that when the user clicks on the message it is deleted reguardless of how many views are remaining. The attribution parameter optionally defines where the message came from and the mailingid optional parameter defines what mailing the message came from.


import {RNAcousticMobilePushInapp} from 'NativeModules';

var content = {
	text: "Minimal Banner Message",
	action: {
		type: "url",
		value: ""
var template = "default";
var rules = ['product', 'home']; // Keywords of when to display this InApp message 
var maxViews = 5; // Maximum number of times a message is displayed
var attribution = "optional attribution string";
var mailingId = "optional mailing id string";
RNAcousticMobilePushInapp.createInApp(content, template, rules, maxViews, attribution, mailingId);



This function executes the specified rules, which is an array of keywords. If there is a message with any of those rules in the database, that message will be displayed on the top of the current content.


import {RNAcousticMobilePushInapp} from 'NativeModules';

var rules = ["product", "about"];

registerInApp(template, module, height)


This function registers an InApp template with the sdk. The template name should be unique across all registered templates, the module specifies what module is registered with react native and the height optionally specifies a desired height of the InApp message. Please see the included banner and media templates for concrete examples.


import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
import {RNAcousticMobilePushInapp} from 'NativeModules';
import {InAppTemplate} from './in-app-template';

export default class ExampleTemplate extends InAppTemplate {
	render() {
		return (
			<View />

AppRegistry.registerComponent("ExampleTemplate", () => ExampleTemplate);
RNAcousticMobilePushInapp.registerInApp("example", "ExampleTemplate", 44);



This function registers a click of an InApp message which sends an event back to the server, opens the action associated with the message and dismisses the message. The inAppMessageId comes from the current InApp message that is displayed. Please see the included banner and media templates for concrete examples.


import {RNAcousticMobilePushInapp} from 'NativeModules';

var inAppMessageId = "ABCD";



This function requests the SDK to sync the inbox messages with the server.


import {RNAcousticMobilePushInapp} from 'NativeModules';




This function can be used to remove an InApp message from the database. The inAppMessageId comes from an InApp message object.


import {RNAcousticMobilePushInapp} from 'NativeModules';

var inAppMessageId = "ABCD";