MCESdk Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MCESdk.h


The MCESdk class is the central integration point for the SDK as a whole.

Other Methods

+ sharedInstance

This method returns the singleton object of this class.

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance


This method returns the singleton object of this class.

Declared In


– handleApplicationLaunch

Initialize SDK, must be called in either application delegate init or application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:.

- (void)handleApplicationLaunch


Initialize SDK, must be called in either application delegate init or application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:.

This method loads configuration from MceConfig.json. Either this method or handleApplicationLaunch: must be called before any other SDK method is called.

Declared In


– handleApplicationLaunchWithConfig:

Initialize SDK, must be called in either application delegate init or application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. Either this method or handleApplicationLaunch must be called before any other SDK method is called.

- (void)handleApplicationLaunchWithConfig:(NSDictionary *)config



Configuration is passed in via config dictionary instead of being loaded from MceConfig.json.


Initialize SDK, must be called in either application delegate init or application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. Either this method or handleApplicationLaunch must be called before any other SDK method is called.

Declared In


– manualLocationInitialization

Manually initialize location services for SDK, requires location’s autoInitialize=FALSE MceConfig.json flag. This is used to delay location services initialization until desired.

- (void)manualLocationInitialization


Manually initialize location services for SDK, requires location’s autoInitialize=FALSE MceConfig.json flag. This is used to delay location services initialization until desired.

Declared In


– gdprState

This property returns true in the case that the SDK has been reset via a GDPR request but has not yet re-registered with the server. This could be due to the “autoReinitialize” flag being set to false or there is no connectivity. If the “autoReinitialize” flag is set to false and this property returns true, you could present a dialog to the user to verify that they agree to anonymous data collection and execute the manualInitialization method to re-register with the server.

- (BOOL)gdprState


This property returns true in the case that the SDK has been reset via a GDPR request but has not yet re-registered with the server. This could be due to the “autoReinitialize” flag being set to false or there is no connectivity. If the “autoReinitialize” flag is set to false and this property returns true, you could present a dialog to the user to verify that they agree to anonymous data collection and execute the manualInitialization method to re-register with the server.

Please note, this method is deprecated, please use MCERegistrationDetails.sharedInstance.userInvalidated instead.

Declared In


– invalidateExistingUser

This method will reset the current state of the SDK to the installed state. If the autoReinitialize configuration parameter is set to true, the system will register with the server and create a new anonymous user. If the autoReinitialize configuration parameter is set to false the system will not register with the server and the userId and channelId values will be nil until the manualInitialization method is called to begin the registration with the server.

- (BOOL)invalidateExistingUser


This method will reset the current state of the SDK to the installed state. If the autoReinitialize configuration parameter is set to true, the system will register with the server and create a new anonymous user. If the autoReinitialize configuration parameter is set to false the system will not register with the server and the userId and channelId values will be nil until the manualInitialization method is called to begin the registration with the server.

Declared In


– manualInitialization

Manually initialize SDK, is used to wait until an event occurs before beginning to interact with the Acoustic servers. For example, you might not want to create a userid/channelid until after a user logs into your system. Requires autoInitialize=FALSE MceConfig.json flag. This method may also be used if the autoReinitialize flag is set to false in the MceConfig.json file and the SDK is in the GDPR reset state.

- (void)manualInitialization


Manually initialize SDK, is used to wait until an event occurs before beginning to interact with the Acoustic servers. For example, you might not want to create a userid/channelid until after a user logs into your system. Requires autoInitialize=FALSE MceConfig.json flag. This method may also be used if the autoReinitialize flag is set to false in the MceConfig.json file and the SDK is in the GDPR reset state.

Declared In


– sdkVersion

Get the current SDK Version number as a string.

- (NSString *)sdkVersion


Get the current SDK Version number as a string.

Declared In


– deviceTokenRegistartionFailed

This method should be called if the application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: method is called if manual integration is used.

- (void)deviceTokenRegistartionFailed


This method should be called if the application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: method is called if manual integration is used.

Declared In


– registerDeviceToken:

Register device token with Acoustic Push Notification servers

- (void)registerDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken



from APNS registration request in application delegate application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:


Register device token with Acoustic Push Notification servers

Declared In


– alertControllerClass

This property returns the current alert view controller class, it can be customized by the developer of the application.

- (Class)alertControllerClass


This property returns the current alert view controller class, it can be customized by the developer of the application.

Declared In


– findCurrentViewController

This method walks through the view controller stack for the top view controller.

- (UIViewController *)findCurrentViewController


This method walks through the view controller stack for the top view controller.

Declared In


– performNotificationAction:

Performs action defined in “notification-action” part of the payload.

- (void)performNotificationAction:(NSDictionary *)userInfo



push payload from APNS


Performs action defined in “notification-action” part of the payload.

Declared In


– presentDynamicCategoryNotification:

Shows a dynamic category notification, integration point of the application delegate application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: method.

- (void)presentDynamicCategoryNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo



passed from didReceiveRemoteNotification parameter of caller


Shows a dynamic category notification, integration point of the application delegate application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: method.

Declared In


– processDynamicCategoryNotification:identifier:userText:

Process specified dynamic category notification for local notifications, integration point of the application delegate application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification:completionHandler:

- (void)processDynamicCategoryNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo identifier:(NSString *)identifier userText:(NSString *)userText



notification.userInfo of the forLocalNotification parameter of the caller


the identifier parameter of the caller


Process specified dynamic category notification for local notifications, integration point of the application delegate application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification:completionHandler:

Declared In


– processCategoryNotification:identifier:

Process specified dynamic category notification for remote notifications, integration point of the application delegate application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:completionHandler:

- (void)processCategoryNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo identifier:(NSString *)identifier



notification.userInfo of the forLocalNotification parameter of the caller


the identifier parameter of the caller


Process specified dynamic category notification for remote notifications, integration point of the application delegate application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:completionHandler:

Declared In


Other Methods


This property sets the current alert view controller class, it can be customized by the developer of the application.

@property Class customAlertControllerClass


This property sets the current alert view controller class, it can be customized by the developer of the application.

Declared In



This property can be used to override if a notification is delivered to the device when the app is running.

@property (copy) BOOL ( ^ ) ( NSDictionary *userInfo ) presentNotification


This property can be used to override if a notification is delivered to the device when the app is running.

Declared In



This method allows your app to respond to the open settings for notification request for notification quick settings *

@property (copy) void ( ^ ) ( UNNotification *notification ) ( ios ( 12.0 ) ) openSettingsForNotification


This method allows your app to respond to the open settings for notification request for notification quick settings *

Declared In



– extractAlert:

Extract the message string from the APS dictionary, including string vs dictionary structure and localization and format arguments.

- (NSString *)extractAlert:(NSDictionary *)aps



the aps dictionary of the APNS push payload


Extract the message string from the APS dictionary, including string vs dictionary structure and localization and format arguments.

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