MCEInboxQueueManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MCEInboxQueueManager.h


The MCEInboxQueueManager class queues and executes tasks serially to the inbox server.

+ sharedInstance

This method returns the singleton object of this class.

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance


This method returns the singleton object of this class.

Declared In


– getInboxMessageId:completion:

This method will pull a speific message from the database if it’s available, if not available it will retrieve the message from the server.

- (void)getInboxMessageId:(NSString *)inboxMessageId completion:(MCEMessageCallback)callback



The string that uniquely identifies the message.


Callback that is called with the message object or an error object.


This method will pull a speific message from the database if it’s available, if not available it will retrieve the message from the server.

Declared In


– syncInbox

The syncInbox method adds a sync task to the queue. First, it connects to the server to download inbox message updates. Next, it updates the local MCEInboxDatabase store. After the update is complete, it sends an NSNotification with the MCESyncDatabase name, and the MCEInboxTableViewController refreshes its contents. Note - only a single sync task is added to the queue at a time. Additional tasks are not added regardless if you make multiple calls while the task is queued or running.

- (void)syncInbox


The syncInbox method adds a sync task to the queue. First, it connects to the server to download inbox message updates. Next, it updates the local MCEInboxDatabase store. After the update is complete, it sends an NSNotification with the MCESyncDatabase name, and the MCEInboxTableViewController refreshes its contents. Note - only a single sync task is added to the queue at a time. Additional tasks are not added regardless if you make multiple calls while the task is queued or running.

Declared In
