MCEAttributesQueueManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MCEAttributesQueueManager.h


The MCEAttributesQueueManager class allows you to queue attribute updates to the server. If errors occur, the update retries automatically and backs off as needed.

+ sharedInstance

This method returns the singleton object of this class.

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance


This method returns the singleton object of this class.

Declared In


– updateUserAttributes:

The updateUserAttributes method adds or updates the specified attributes to the user record on the server.

- (void)updateUserAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes


The updateUserAttributes method adds or updates the specified attributes to the user record on the server.

When the operation completes successfully it will send a NSNotification with the name UpdateUserAttributesSuccess. When the operation fails it will send a NSNotification with the name UpdateUserAttributesError, however it will automatically retry as needed.

Declared In


– setUserAttributes:

The setUserAttributes method replaces user attributes on the server with the specified set of attribute key value pairs.

- (void)setUserAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes


The setUserAttributes method replaces user attributes on the server with the specified set of attribute key value pairs.

When the operation completes successfully, it sends a NSNotification with the SetUserAttributesSuccess name. When the operation fails, it sends a NSNotification with the SetUserAttributesError name; however, it automatically retries as needed.

Please note, setUserAttributes is deprecated. Please use updateUserAttributes to set attribute values, and deleteUserAttributes to clear existing values.

Declared In


– updateChannelAttributes:

The updateChannelAttributes method adds or updates the specified attributes to the channel record on the server.

- (void)updateChannelAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes


The updateChannelAttributes method adds or updates the specified attributes to the channel record on the server.

When the operation completes successfully, it sends a NSNotification with the UpdateChannelAttributesSuccess name. When the operation fails, it sends a NSNotification with the UpdateChannelAttributesError name; however, it automatically retries as needed.

Please note, updateChannelAttributes is deprecated.

Declared In


– setChannelAttributes:

The setChannelAttributes method replaces channel attributes on the server with the specified set of attribute key value pairs.

- (void)setChannelAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes


The setChannelAttributes method replaces channel attributes on the server with the specified set of attribute key value pairs.

When the operation completes successfully, it sends a NSNotification with the SetChannelAttributesSuccess name. When the operation fails, it sends a NSNotification with the SetChannelAttributesError name; however, it automatically retries as needed.

Please note, setChannelAttributes is deprecated.

Declared In


– deleteUserAttributes:

The deleteUserAttributes method removes the specified keys from the user record on the server.

- (void)deleteUserAttributes:(NSArray *)keys


The deleteUserAttributes method removes the specified keys from the user record on the server.

When the operation completes successfully, it sends a NSNotification with the DeleteUserAttributesSuccess name. When the operation fails, it sends a NSNotification with the DeleteUserAttributesError name; however, it automatically retries as needed.

Declared In


– deleteChannelAttributes:

The deleteChannelAttributes method removes the specified keys from the channel record on the server.

- (void)deleteChannelAttributes:(NSArray *)keys


The deleteChannelAttributes method removes the specified keys from the channel record on the server.

When the operation completes successfully, it sends a NSNotification with the DeleteChannelAttributesSuccess name. When the operation fails, it sends a NSNotification with the DeleteChannelAttributesError name; however, it automatically retries as needed.

Please note, deleteChannelAttributes is deprecated.

Declared In
