
 * Copyright © 2015, 2019 Acoustic, L.P. All rights reserved.
 * NOTICE: This file contains material that is confidential and proprietary to
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Acoustic MCE InApp Cordova Plugin
@module MCEInAppPlugin

cordova.exec(null, null, "MCEInAppPlugin", null, []);

Allows Cordova InApp Plugin to delete an existing InAppMessage
@param inAppMessageId {integer} id of message to be deleted.
exports.deleteInAppMessage = function(inAppMessageId) {
    cordova.exec(null, this.error, "MCEInAppPlugin", "deleteInAppMessage", [inAppMessageId]);

Allows Cordova InApp Plugin to look for and possibly execute the next InApp message.
@param rules {Array.<string>} A list of rules to be matched against.
exports.executeInAppRule = function(rules) {
    cordova.exec(null, this.error, "MCEInAppPlugin", "executeInAppRule", [rules]);

@typedef InAppMessage
inAppMessageId {integer} The unique identifier of the InAppMessage
maxViews {integer} The total allowed number of views of the message.
numViews {integer} The current count of views of the message.
template {string} The template name that handles the message.
content {object} Template defined details of message
triggerDate {integer} Date the message should first appear in seconds since epoch 
expirationDate {integer} Date the message should last appear in seconds since epoch 
rules {Array.<string>} A list of rules to be matched against.

@callback InAppTemplateCallback
@param inAppMessage {InAppMessage} An InApp message to be displayed.

Allows Cordova InApp Plugin to register a template handler.
@param callback {InAppTemplateCallback} The callback that handles the response
@param templateName {string} A template name that this handler displays
exports.registerInAppTemplate = function(callback, templateName) {
    MCEPlugin.pauseResumeCallback(function () {    
        cordova.exec(callback, this.error, "MCEInAppPlugin", "registerInAppTemplate", [templateName, false]);
    }, function() {
        cordova.exec(callback, this.error, "MCEInAppPlugin", "registerInAppTemplate", [templateName, true]);

Allows Cordova InApp Plugin to initiate a sync with the server.
exports.syncInAppMessages = function (callback) {
    cordova.exec(callback, this.error, "MCEInAppPlugin", "syncInAppMessages", []);

Allows Cordova InApp Plugin to call out to action registry to handle rich message actions.
@param action {Object} is normally in the format &#123; "type": &lt;type&gt;, "value": &lt;value&gt; &#125; but can be whatever is sent in the "notification-action" or the "category-actions" section of the payload
exports.executeInAppAction = function(action) {
    cordova.exec(null, this.error, "MCEInAppPlugin", "executeInAppAction", [action]);

exports.processColor = function(colorString, defaultColor) {
    if (colorString != undefined) {
        if (typeof colorString == "string") {
            if (colorString.substr(0, 2) == "0x") {
                return "#" + colorString.substr(2, 6);
            } else if (colorString.substr(0, 1) != "#") {
                return "#" + colorString;
            } else {
                return colorString;
        } else if (colorString['red'] != undefined && colorString['green'] != undefined && colorString['blue'] != undefined) {
            var red = parseFloat(colorString['red']) * 255;
            var green = parseFloat(colorString['green']) * 255;
            var blue = parseFloat(colorString['blue']) * 255;
            return "RGBA(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ",1)";
    return defaultColor;

 * Adds an InAppMessage to the database, this is largely for testing purposes.
 * @param {dictionary} InApp Message Dictionary 
exports.addInAppMessage = function(inAppMessage) {
    cordova.exec(null, this.error, "MCEInAppPlugin", "addInAppMessage", [inAppMessage]);